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Labour voters should vote tactically

by danielbarker on 3 May, 2016

Despite the fact that it took the combined votes of Labour and LibDem councillors to stop the Tories’ programme of cuts and put in place a budget that saved New Invention library, the Labour candidate for Short Heath seems determined to split the anti-Tory vote by delivering 3 different leaflets and getting her supporters to put Labour posters up.

What voters in Short Heath should consider is that Labour hasn’t won here in over 30 years but there’s been a Liberal or LibDem councillor here for 36 years. Voting Labour in Short Heath will not elect a Labour councillor; what it will do is split the anti-Tory vote. That’s what happened last year. That’s why the Tories got in last year. That’s why they were able to introduce in-year cuts. Just 200 wasted Labour votes transferred to the LibDems last year would have stopped the Tories taking over and prevented those cuts!

Hopefully this time, those natural Labour voters who don’t want to see more cuts to services affecting vulnerable people will use their brains, ignore the Labour campaign and vote LibDem to stop the Tories getting in by the back door!

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