Local Housing Need – is it being satisfied?

by danielbarker on 22 October, 2024

There was an interesting article on BBC NEWS recently by Brian Wheeler, “Why are we building homes when so many are standing empty?” https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4g518le0r5o the author makes the point far better than I could as to why this may not be as easy as it looks.

One thing is for sure, getting the right sort of homes built in the right area to satisfy local need is not, as some folks seem to think, something that can be resolved overnight.

This new government needs to think beyond just increasing the total number of new homes being built each year and tinkering around with planning regulations in order to resolve the housing crisis.

A serious conversation has to be had beginning at a local level to inform regional policies in order to inform the national plans around types of construction, making sure that the local infrastructure is there to support new residents. Are there enough school places? Is there easy access to local shops. Are transport links adequate just name a few. Then of course there’s the prickly subject of building in the green belt and what actually is and is not green belt land. All of these issues require far more openness and transparency from those we elect to act on our behalf.

It is a big task and we as residents must also play our part. If we want to exercise our right to comment on the decisions our politicians make, then we need to react when those politicians come forward with consultations. It’s no good shouting on social media about something if you didn’t make your views know when you had the opportunity.

Local news media also have a responsibility to make sure that as many people as possible know when decision makers are seeking their views and that they have all the facts to help them give an informed response. There’s far too much sloppy journalism about, and by that, I mean that all too often journalists quite happily regurgitate the contents of a press release without taking the trouble to do a fact-check first. I’m not saying all journalists are like this, there are some very good exceptions.

What I am saying is that we all need to up our game and take responsibility – act not moan!

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